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Method to open previously made module project in Dart-IDE

Dart-API is still constantly updating but there is a problem. The existing project created in previous versions may not be opened or the build might not be done properly.

When this happens, try the following method.


There is a problem that the project cannot be opened or the build fails when trying to open a previously developed module project.


  • Creat New Blank project in Dart-IDE.

  • Enter into File Explorer in your PC.

    • Move images, langs, and uc folders created in src/assets folder of existing project to the project folder/src/assets of the New Blank project.

    • Move other files from the existing folder except for the uc and assets folder into project folder/src.

    • After refreshing Dart-IDE and re-enter into the project, you will find the previously created module file.


Additional issue

  • If the build constantly fails, it might be a version issue of files within the src/uc included in the project.

    • Then figure out the UC(User Component) used in project and delete all the files within the uc folder.

    • If you relocate the User Component used in the project to the UI Preview screen, new version of uc file will be updated in the uc folder.

  • After creating project with this method, when re-entering the project, an error message appears along with security error with a certain probability. Then the project is opened in Dart-IDE but an error that you cannot check the contents occurs.

    • When this issue happens, close the running web browser and reopen it. The error might disappear.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.