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Device Module (Template)


A Device Module template is a template that can be used for creating modules. By applying the template, you can add various functions to it. You can customize the settings if necessary and quickly activate the module. The Device Module Template Guides will help you to get to know it better.

When creating a project from a template, Dart-IDE provides the Device Module interface that, when implemented, allows you to run custom code. We assume you have read the Dart-IDE before creating a module with the Device Module Template.

How to use Database

After you finish creating the Device modules in Dart-IDE, build, you will be able to install it in Dart-Platform.

The database can be able to help you save your data. Anytime you enter data into Device modules in Dart-Platform, you can close and reopen the module without losing data. In order to do this, you must use Database while creating the module.

Please refer to this link for more information: How To Use Database

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