In the samples, the document provides you with a list of the completely built modules in many nominated industries to support you build on your module. If you still don’t know where to start, these samples would be useful for you to have an initial view of the project and be able to easily adjust it. Create your own module using the sample. Find out more information below.
Keyword: User Command, pages, DRL,TaskPoseControl User Compoenent , ZYX Pose to ZYZ Pose
This sample contains the most up-to-date user command functionality.
The module's main screen (module screen) has two pages, and the values set on each page are saved in the DB.
Device IP Setting Page
Initial Pose Setting Page
The module's PIP screen (user command screen) provides a page for setting Connect & Move commands and Convert Pose commands based on the settings set in the main screen.
Keyword: User Command, Digital I/O, Gripper, Main Screen, PIP Screen
This sample is a modified Digital I/O module provided from the Device Module UI templates in Dr.Dart-IDE.
In this Module, you can
Select the preset gripper setting in order to input values.
Change and add TCP(Tool Center Point) and Tool Weight Robot Parameters. Also you can set these parameters in the robot with tool button of the topbar in Dr.Dart-Platform.
Change the Digital I/O signal types, ports and values of the Grasp and Release.
In Task Editor Module(former Task Builder/Task Writer),
Grasp and Release User Command block will be displayed in the User Command block list.
You can add this command block to your task list and select the preset gripper setting.
When the task is executed, the gripper's Grasp and Release motion will operate in robot.