Hand Guide
The Hand Guide Command enables the user to perform hand guiding (changing the position of the robot by pressing the Direct Teach button in the cockpit or the TP) during the execution of the program. The user executes the next command in one of the following two ways after hand guiding is completed (unless the program is terminated, it will wait at the command until one of the following is executed after the user performs hand guiding).
The user presses the "OK" or "Finish" button on the "Hand Guiding Execution" popup window generated from the TP.
A signal is applied to the digital input channel specified for "Manual guide release" in the safety I/O settings.
The current TCP position and the TCP position of the hand-guided robot must be in the collaborative workspace to execute this command properly. Run the command after specifying the hand-guiding area as the collaborative workspace and enabling it. If an error is generated, the program is terminated to ensure worker safety once the current position (or hand guiding) deviates from the current collaborative workspace.

You can insert text in the description, unique meaning, or nickname for each Parameter to differentiate from many DRL Components.

For detailed DRL description other than Annotation, please refer to the following online manual link: https://manual.doosanrobotics.com/help/programming/2.9/publish/en_us/wait_manual_guide-17148090.html.
DRL Code
# Sets up the collaborative workspace before executing the program.
# Surface 1: Point-1(1000,1000), Point-2(0,0)
# Surface 2: Point-1(1000,-1000), Point-2(0,0)
# Activation of domain 1 - Point(1000,0)
j00 = posj(0,0,90,0,90,0)
movej(j00,vel=20,acc=40) # Enters the collaborative workspace.
wait_manual_guide() # Direct teaching until the "Finish" button on the popup window generated by the TP is pressed.
pos1 = get_current_posx() # Stores the directly taught point in pos1.
dposa = posx(0,0,-100,0,0,0)
movel(dposa, vel=300, acc=600, ref=DR_TOOL)
# Retract 100 mm in the tool-Z direction from the taught position.