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Find & Download

Find and download modules in Dart-Store.

You can get modules for your devices by using the Dr.Dart-Store. The Dart-Store comes pre-installed on devices with Dr.Dart-Platform. Follow us to see how to find and download modules.

Let’s get started!

Open Dart-Store on your device

  • Step 1: Open Dart-Platform, and tap the Dart-Store icon at the bottom left corner.

    Dart-Store icon

  • Step 2: Enter your ID and Password to log in to Dart-Store.

  • Step 3: On the module screen of Dart-Store, you can search and browse for content to download. 

Dart-Store main page

How to find modules in Dart Store?

There is a Search field on the left of the Dart-Store module screen. From this field, you can type the related information to the modules you are looking for, such as Name, Owner Name, and Category, then press Enter to see all the results.

Searching module

There is the Dart-Store menu on the left of the screen. The Dart-Store provides a list of categories that includes frequently used modules. When you select any item, it will show the list of corresponding modules on the right of the screen.

Dart-Store menu

For example, when the user selects the Discovery category, the screen shows the Trending and Popular modules lists.

There are a lot of modules available in Dart-Store. You can download modules on your device from the Dart-Store. Some modules are available at no charge, and some you need to buy.

Tap See all to view free modules and paid modules in Dart-Store.

How to download modules in Dart Store?

As we mentioned in Dr.Dart-Store, there are two types of modules. You can download modules without a fee, and the ones you need to pay. Read the details below to learn more about downloading modules from the Dart-Store.

Let’s get started with Free Module first!

Free module

  • Step 1: Tap the Download button next to the module icon.

    Download button

  • Step 2: Choose the place to save the installation file( .dm ) on your device.

    Saving file( .dm )

  • Step 3: From the Dart-Platform on the device, tap the Overflow Menu icon to open the file( .dm ) you have just downloaded for the installation.

    Opening file on Dart-Platform

  • Step 4: The Taskbar will display the module icon after the installation successfully.

Downloaded module

It is easy to find and download free modules from Dart-Store, right? The next one is modules with fees. Let’s see the difference between with and without fees.

Paid module

  • Step 1: Tap the Price button next to the module icon.

    Price button

  • Step 2: Check the Quantity and Total Price in Purchase Confirmation Popup before clicking the Check Out button.

    Purchase Confirmation Popup

  • Step 3: Choose the Online Payment Method that Dart-Store supports.

    Online Payment Method

  • Step 4: Complete the Payment and choose the place to save the installation file( .dm ) on your device.

Payment successful Popup

Saving file

  • Step 5: From the Dart-Platform on the device, tap Install from Local to open the file( .dm ) you have just downloaded for the installation.

Click Open to install file .dm.

  • Step 6: After the installation, a popup installed successfully will appear.

Downloaded module

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