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  • Each tutorial and guide page provides File downloads.

  • Since installation requires attention, we recommend you to download the first files from each product guide page.

  • Refer to this page only when you need re-downloading.

1. Dart-Platform


To install and connect with Dart-IDE, see more:

  1. Quick Installation Guides

  2. Run a Module | Install-a-Dart-Platform

For Windows OS

  • Dart-Platform v3.2.1

  • Released at

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.1.exe

Jun 20, 2024
Past Release
  1. Dart-Platform v3.2.0 official (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.0.exe

Mar 28, 2024
  1. Dart-Platform v3.2.0 beta (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.0beta.exe

Oct 30, 2023
  1. Dart-Platform v3.0.0 (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.0.0.exe

Jul 28, 2023

For Mac OS

  • Dart-Platform v3.2.1

  • Released at


Dart-Platform only supports Apple silicon-based Mac and Intel-based Mac(x64) are not supported.

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.1_arm64.dmg

Jun 20, 2024
Past Release
  1. Dart-Platform v3.2.0 official (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.0_arm64.dmg

Mar 28, 2024
  1. Dart-Platform v3.2.0 beta (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.0beta_arm64.dmg

Oct 30, 2023

For Android

  • Dart-Platform v3.2.1

  • Released at


Currently, android dart-platform’s resolution is 1024x768.

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.1_android.apk

Jun 20, 2024
Past Release
  1. Dart-Platform v3.2.0 official (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Platform_v3.2.0_android.apk

Mar 28, 2024

2. Dart-Services


If you use ‘Update Images’ in dart-service 2.0.0 beta version, image will be updated to 2.1.0 version. But it will reset simulator package in the docker.


To install and connect with Dart-IDE, see more:

  1. Quick Installation Guides

  2. Dart-Services

For Windows OS

  • Dart-Services v2.1.1

  • Released at

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v2.1.1.exe

Jul 02, 2024
Past Release
  1. Dart-Services v2.1.0 (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v2.1.0.exe

Apr 03, 2024
  1. Dart-Services v2.0.0 beta (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_Setup_v2.0.0beta.exe

Oct 30, 2023
  1. Dart-Services v1.0.0 (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v1.0.0_win.exe

Jun 29, 2023

For Mac OS

  • Dart-Services v2.1.1

  • Released at


Dart-Services only supports Apple silicon-based Mac and Intel-based Mac(x64) are not supported.

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v2.1.1_arm64.dmg

Jul 02, 2024
Past Release
  1. Dart-Services v2.1.0 (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v2.1.0_arm64.dmg

Apr 03, 2024
  1. Dart-Services v2.0.0 beta (Released at )

File Modified

File Dr.Dart-Services_v2.0.0beta_arm64.dmg

Oct 30, 2023

3. Dart-IDE Plugin (VS Code)

You can download it in our marketplace page.

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