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Account Management


If you want to manage your accounts, such as edit or update information, this section offers information on handling user accounts in the Dart-Store. Follow our guide to learn what you can do with your account in Dart-Store.

How to view your profile information?

Let's follow these steps to view your profile information in Dart-Store.

  • Step 1: On the main screen of Dr.Dart-Store, click the Profile icon at the bottom left corner, and the Publish Portal page will appear.

  • Step 2: Open the Account Information page

There are two ways:

Open by clicking ⋮ icon
  • On the top right of the screen:

    • (1) Click the icon

    • (2) Select the Setting option

It will have another option. If you click this Setting option, your Developer Account will transit to User account.

Open by clicking Publishing Portal
  • Step 1: Click Publishing Portal

  • Step 2: Select the Account Information option

And the result is as the following image:

Account Information Page

How to upgrade to a Developer Account?

You might be using a General account, so you must upgrade your account to a Developer Account to experience more functions. Follow the steps below to upgrade your account without paying any fee.

  • Step 1: On the main screen of Dr.Dart-Store, click the Profile icon at the bottom left corner, and the Publish Portal page will appear.

    Profile icon

  • Step 2: On the Publish Portal page, click Publishing Portal, and the popup Register as Developer will show up.

  • Step 3: On the Register as Developerpopup, click Get Started button.

    Register as Developer

  • Step 4: The Register Form will show up. You need to fill in the required information. After filling out the required fields, click the Register Account button to submit all information you filled in and register to the Developer account.

    Register Form





Developer Name

The Developer's name is in Dart-Store.



The user's address.


Zip code

The zip code of the address.



The website or link of social media.


Mobile Phone

The phone number.


Register Account

The button to submit and register an account.

To register, you must select two checkbox(s) to agree with the Dart-Store's Policy.

  • Step 5: There will be a Developer Registration Complete popup. Click the Login button to get full access to the publishing portal.

    Registration successfully

Now, your account has been upgraded to Developer Account. You can go back to the Account Information page to check your account information.

On the Account Information page, you will see your information, and the Developer Name will appear.

Developer account information

How to update general account information?

  • Step 1: Your Developer account information shows up. View your account information and get to know what you can change on your account.

If you do not know how to go to the Developer account information page, follow Account Management | How-to-view-your-profile-information?

Developer account information

  • Step 2: Click Edit next to each field to change your information.

    • Full Name: Click Edit to change your Full Name, and fill in your First Name and Last Name. Click Confirm button to update your Full Name.

      Edit Full Name

    • Address: Click Edit to change your address. Fill in your First Name, Last Name, Address, and Zipcode. Click Confirm button to save to New Address.

      Edit address

    • Website: Click Edit to change your website, and enter the URL of your website or social media profile. Click Confirm button to save to New Website.

      Edit Website URL

    • Phone: Click Edit to change your Phone number, enter your new phone number, then click Confirm button to save.

      Edit Phone Number

How to update your advanced information?

There are a few updates that you need to verify your password first before updating information such as Developer Name, Password, and Email. Follow the guide below to get more information.

Developer Name

  • Step 1: On the Developer account information page, click Edit to change your Developer Name. There will be Enter Password popup.

    Input password

  • Step 2: After entering your password to verify then, click Confirm button. The Developer Name popup shows up.

    Edit Developer Name

  • Step 3: Enter the New Developer Name and click Confirm button to change. Your Developer Name is updated after you click Confirm button.


  • Step 1: On the Developer account information page, click Edit to change your Password. There will be Enter Password popup.

    Input Password

  • Step 2: After entering your password to verify then, click Confirm button. The New password popup shows up. You are entering New Password and entering again to verify. Click Confirm button.

    Input New Password





New password

Enter the new password that follows the rule.


Verify New Password

Enter your new password again to verify.

  • Step 3: The Password Successfully Changed popup will show. Click Confirm button to complete the process of changing the password. The New password will be updated.

    Successfully Message


  • Step 1: On the Developer account information page, click Edit to change your Email. There will be Enter Password popup. Entering your password to verify, then click Confirm button.

    Input Password

  • Step 2: The Email popup shows up. Entering your new email, then click Confirm button.

    Input New Email

  • Step 3: The Verification Code popup will show up. There is a code sent to the new email. Check your email to get the code and copy and enter the code into the field. Click Confirm button to change to New Email. The New email will be updated afterward.

    Input Verification Code

Manage The Payment Information ( User Account)

This section is for the User Account type.

There are two situations you must pay attention to:

  1. If you don’t have a User Account, please refer to Step 1 on this page Payment | 2.-Register-a-Developer-or-Seller-Account.

  2. If your account is a Developer/ Seller account, please follow the guideline below to transit the Developer/ Seller Account to the User Account. Then, you can see the purchase history, request a refund, and see the refund history.

Transit Developer/ Seller Account to User Account
  • Step 1: On the main screen of Dr.Dart-Store, click the Profile icon at the bottom left corner, and the Publish Portal page will appear.

  • Step 2: Open the Account Information page

    • On the top right of the screen:

      • (1) Click the icon

      • (2) Select the Setting option

When you buy business products or services from Dart-Store. You can use a credit or debit card or bank account to pay for the things you buy. Anytime you buy one or more than one module, you must fill in the payment information to buy them.

Purchase History

Click Purchase history on the Account Information page on the left menu, set the conditions, and press Enter. The complete information about your purchases will be shown up.

If you do not know how to go to the Purchase History page, follow Account Management | How-to-view-your-profile-information?






Search by Name, Owner Name, and Category to see the purchases.


Start Date

Choose the Start Date on the Calendar.


End Date

Choose the End Date Calendar.



Choose the module categories such as Process, Task Editor, Function, Skill, Jog, Dashboard, or Custom.


Payment Method

Choose payment methods you used, such as Apple Pay, Credit Card, Google Pay, or Paypal.



Choose the payment status, such as Refunded, Failed, Requested for refund, Refund request rejected, Refund request approved, Successful, and Charged.


List of purchases

The module(s) will be shown below with default information, including Category, Purchase No, Quantity, Payment Method, Payment Date, Amount, and Status.

Request a Refund

If the new purchase can not meet your demand, you might want to request a refund. The steps below will help you to do it.

  • Step 1: On the Account Information page. Select the Purchase History page, and you can see the Request Refund option after clicking the icon.

  • Step 2: Click Request Refund. It will show the Request a Refund popup, input the information and click Submit button to submit your request.




Purchase No

The number of the purchase.


Purchase Quantity

The quantity of the purchase.


Paid Amount

The total of the purchase.


Refund Quantity

The portion of the refunded item.


Refund Amount

The amount of money for the refunded item.



The reason to request a refund such as :

  • "It was an unauthorized purchase."

  • "It was an accidental purchase."

  • "Item does not function as expected."

  • "Item does not download or install correctly."

  • "Problem is not listed here."


Message to Developer

Leave the message to the Developer.


Attached Images

The image describes the reason why you want to get a refund.


Attached Videos

The video describes the reason why you want to refund

  • If you choose the Problem is not listed here, you may need to leave a message. Fill your message in the box Message to Developer to explain your purpose on how you want to request a refund.

  • Reviewing your refund request by Store's Admin (s) takes time.

Refund History

To check refunded transactions, click Refund History on the left menu to see the trade history.

You can view the detailed information on each item by clicking the icon.

After clicking the icon and choosing the View option, the screen will display like the below:

Guest Authority

When entering the Store website without logging, the user will be treated as guest and have several certain rights contacting with the Store page.

You will be able to see all the available functions, module for Guest Authority User with posts, categories in the left menu bar.

Main Screen

Main Screen when scrolling down.

Guest Authority User only allows you to see available modules. In case you want to make several purchases, you have to login or register an account.

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