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Dart-Services is a service program that helps install and run the build-environment of Dart-IDE and includes Robot Controller Simulator for connecting with Dart-Platform without robot & Controller.

Quickly update guide


  • First-time installers should read the entire guide below before installing.

Update guide

  • Step 1. Delete old version of Dart-Services in your PC.

  • Step 2. Download new version of Dart-Services. :

  • Step 3. Install Dart-Services and once installation is complete, reboot your PC.
    For additional installation and execution methods, please refer to the link below:

How to use Dr.Dart-Service

1) Features

  1. Robot Model : Select the robot model for simulator.

  2. Start: Run the Docker containers to simulate robot controller that can be connected to Dart-Platform and use build services in Dart-IDE.

    • Run a Docker container. If there is no container created after downloading the Docker image, create a new container.

  3. Stop: Stop the Docker container.

  4. Restart: Restart the Docker container.

    • If you had trouble in the build, Click the Restart button to restart the Docker.

  5. Delete: Delete the Docker container.

    • If you delete the Docker container, all data stored in Dart-Simulator will be lost.

  6. Update Images: Update to the newest Docker image that fixed only bugs in Dart-Services.

2) How to use

  • Step 1. Select the Robot Model for the robot controller simulator.

  • Step 2. Click the Start Button in Dart-Services and then wait until the Loading icon is changed to Pause icon.


  • During normal operation, you can check that the Docker image called dart-services is normally in the Play state in Containers of the installed Docker Desktop.

  • Step 2. If there is a problem, try rebooting your PC and clicking the Start button again.

Known Issues

  • This app uses a Docker Desktop, so it will have a common problem. Refer to the link below:

  • Network & System specs may affect app performance.

  • The progress bar works unexpectedly.

  • If Docker Desktop does not start, you need to start manually (by clicking the icon Docker Desktop and re-start it)

  • MacOS requires apps installed from outside to be signed in or registered on the apple store for standard installation. Currently, you are working on the sign-in app method on MacOS and will soon include it in the next product release.

  • You can try the following guideline to bypass Apple protection steps: When the app is installed successfully, use the command: /Applications/ to use the app with full permission.

  • USB Serial and TCP/IP communication functions are not guaranteed in the Mac version.

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