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How to install without Dart-Services

You must install Docker Desktop and AWS CLI on your computer system to create a convenient building/running module environment. Therefore, follow these 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Install Docker

  • Step 2: Install AWS and implement a connection with AWS

  • Step 3: Get started with Docker

Installing a Build&Simulator Services without Dart-Services

To install a build environment, we need to set up Docker. Docker is an open-source virtualization platform based on the container. To use this function that builds the source code to a module in Dart-IDE, the program named Docker should be installed and implemented in the user’s PC. You can think of it as Docker being used to install and implement a virtualization environment in which various programs and settings for the build are installed at once.


  • To put it simply, Docker moves and runs various programs and implementation environments as they are on my PC.

  • The one that includes the program, file, and set value, etc. which are needed for service operation in Docker is called Docker image.

  • In other words, a Docker image is a copy of a computer with several programs needed. And Docker Desktop is what allows you to access to the computer.

  • When the Docker image runs, the Docker container runs the image in the isolated space.

1. Installing Docker.

Installing and using Docker are prerequisites for the build/run process. There are detailed installation instructions on the official Docker homepage, so you can refer to it below.


Free Docker is a better option if your company is small (fewer than 250 employees and less than $10 million in annual revenue). It uses

If not, you must choose paid Docker right here:


When setting the Docker, use Hyper V instead of WSL 2 although the program recommends the latter one.



Windows Docker installation(1)


Windows Docker installation(2)

2. Setting Docker

  • Step 1: After Docker’s installation, the interface screen will appear. Click the setting icon on the upper right part. (Refer to the red box below)

external_docker 1.png

Docker main screen.

  • Step 2: Open the general section and make sure the items you check are correct, as shown below.

Don’t activate the WSL2 unless the computer requirement is adopted.


  • Step 3: Set proxy if needed.


  • Step 4: Switch to the Docker engine section, and check out the last line of the code. If the sentence is "buildkit": true, please fix it like "buildkit": false.


  • Step 5: Finally, check the Extensions section and enable docker extensions to see if it works. Afterward, click Apply & Restart to finish the Docker installation.


3. Install AWS CLI

You should install AWS CLI for download Docker container image that

  • Step 1: Install the AWS CLI.

Follow the Guides for installing & all operation systems (Explore more here).

  • Step 2: Open Command Prompt, enter the command below.

msiexec.exe /i /qn

4. Implement a connection with AWS CLI

  • Step 1: After installing AWS CLI successfully, implement a connection with AWS service.

  1. Open the Window PowerShell.

  2. Enter the AWS Configure.

    aws configure
    1. Access-key :

    2. Secret-access-key :

    3. Default Region name :

    4. Default output format [None] :



  3. Login to AWS CLI: Docker login command to AWS connects to the repository.

    aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

If the following errors occur, please follow the instructions below.

  • Error 1. Failed with status: 400 Bad Request :

    • Solutions:

      1. Make sure Docker is running.

      2. If it still does not work, there might be an installation process that was skipped.

  • Error 2. An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation : …

    • Solutions:

      1. Please send your public IP to the email address below. This problem is caused by the IP being blocked.

  • Error 3. Error response from daemon : …

    • Solutions:

      1. Try with cmd instead.

      2. Run the program as administrator


Error 1. Failed with status: 400 Bad Request


Error 2. An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation : …


Error 3. Error response from daemon : …

5. Get started with Docker

You need to run two docker images(services) on docker desktop. One is a build service and one is a robot controller simulator service.

5.1. Download Build Service

  • Step 1: Pull the latest images from the repository.

docker pull
docker pull
  • Step 2: Shut down the running docker container.

docker kill $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
docker kill $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
  • Step 3: Delete the old docker container.

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
  • Step 4: Create docker network.

docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= br0
  • Step 5: Run the docker container with newly pulled images.

docker run -p 5022:22 --log-driver none -itd --name bulid-fw --network br0 bash
docker run -d -p 3002:3000 -p 5023:22 --log-driver none -tid --name build-service --network br0

5.2. Download Simulator Service

  • tep 1: Pull the latest images from the repository.

docker pull
  • Step 2: Shut down the running docker container.

docker kill $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
  • Step 3: Delete the old docker container.

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter "")
  • Step 4: Run the docker container with newly pulled images.

docker run --log-driver none -itd --privileged -m 2g --name simulator --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 -p 12345:12345 -p 3601:3601 -p 1122:1122

Now the Dart-IDE is connected with your Dart-Platform, and you are ready to start Creating a module.

For more details, please read Build/Run.

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