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User Input Command


User Input Command is the command that can help the robot to receive the user input data through the Teach Pendant.



You can insert text in the description, unique meaning, or nickname for each Parameter to differentiate with many DRL Components.


In Parameter Panel, it will help you create or select your variable to define the parameter of the chosen command.

For detailed DRL description other than parameters, please refer to the following online manual link:

Parameter Name

Data Type

Default Value





Character string message to be displayed on the TP user input window

  • Messages are limited to within 256 bytes.

  • It is recommended that the text be concise. For long text, some content is omitted with an ellipsis (…).

  • Formatting-related code such as newline (\n) or carriage return (\r) is not allowed.




TP user input message type

  • DR_VAR_INT: Integer type

  • DR_VAR_FLOAT: Real number type

  • DR_VAR_STR: Character string

  • DR_VAR_BOOL: Boolean


DRL Code

q1 = posj(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)
q2 = posj(20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20)
q3 = posj(30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30)
q4 = posj(40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40)
q5 = posj(50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50)
q6 = posj(60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60)

int_y= tp_get_user_input("message1", input_type= DR_VAR_INT)
if int_y==1:	# Moves to q1 if the TP user input is 1.  
  movej(q1, vel=30, acc=30)
else:		# Moves to q2 if the TP user input is not 1.
  movej(q2, vel=30, acc=30)
float_y= tp_get_user_input("message2", input_type= DR_VAR_FLOAT)
if float_y==3.14:	# Moves to q3 if the TP user input is 3.14.
  movej(q3, vel=30, acc=30)
else:			# Moves to q4 if the TP user input is not 3.14.
  movej(q4, vel=30, acc=30)

str_y= tp_get_user_input("message3", input_type= DR_VAR_STR)
if str_y=="a":		# Moves to q5 if the TP user input is "a". 
  movej(q5, vel=30, acc=30)
else:			# Moves to q6 if the TP user input is not "a".
  movej(q6, vel=30, acc=30)

bool_y= tp_get_user_input("message3", input_type= DR_VAR_BOOL)
if bool_y==True:        # Moves to q5 if the TP user input is "True or 1". 
  movej(q5, vel=30, acc=30)
else:                   # Moves to q6 if the TP user input is "False or 0"
  movej(q6, vel=30, acc=30)

Block code


Refer to this link Mode Selectionto understand more about DRL and Block Coding.

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