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Distribute a Module

Preparation steps before releasing the module

After all the process you’ve been through until this, you might want to distribute the module to everyone.

For this step, there are some preparations you need to follow.

Register an account on Dart-Store

First, you must create a Dart-Store account to distribute your module.

Before registering your account, you must open Dart-Store. There are three ways you can get into Dart-Store:

From Dart-Platform
  • Click Dart-Store button

From Dart-IDE
  • Click Publish button

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Publish button
From Dart-Store website

Follow the guidelines step-by-step to register an account:

The registration process on site or your device is similar. You need to follow the steps below to register successfully.

  • Step 1: Click Create Account.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Create account
  • Step 2: Fill information.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Fill information





User ID

User ID is the name to log in to your account.



Your email address.



Your password.


Verify Password

Please enter your password again to verify it.

Click the Next button to transfer to the following information page.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Fill information





Full name

Your first name and last name.



Your address.


Zip code

The zip code of the address.



Please check the box if you agree to Doosan Robotic’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Click the Next button to transfer to the following information page.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Fill information





Enter Verification Code

Check your email and enter the verification code.

After completing all information, click Complete Sign Up button to finish creating your account.

  • Step 3: Click Get Started! to log in to your account.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Get started
  • Step 4: Log in to your account to experience Dart-Store.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Log in to Dart-Store

Register as a Developer Account

After creating a user account, you must register as a developer account. A developer account allows you to publish your module and sell it on Dart-Store.

After login as a user account to Dart-Store, please follow the detailed instruction below to get your goal:

  • Step 1: Click your Avatar icon at the bottom left.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Avatar icon
  • Step 2: Click Publishing Portal.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Publishing portal

After clicking Publishing Portal, the popup Register as Developer will appear like Step 3.

  • Step 3: On the Register as Developerpopup, click Get Started button.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Register as Developer
  • Step 4: The Register Form will show up. You need to fill in the required information. After filling out the required fields, click the Register Account button to submit all information you filled in and register to the Developer account.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Fill information

Please follow the guidelines in Account Management | How-to-upgrade-to-a-Developer-Account? to fill in Developer Account information.

  • Step 5: There will be a Developer Registration Complete popup. Click the Login button to get full access to the publishing portal.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Log in as Developer

After logging in successfully, you will see your information on the Account Information page. The Developer Name will appear.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Developer information

Now, we have done all the preparations for the distribution on Dart-Store.

From the next section, we will go to the main subject, Releasing your module on Dart-Store.

Prepare your device, which contains file .dm, which is ready to be published.

For more information about how to release file .dm, please refer to Build/Run | 4.-Build-and-Run.

Now, let's get started releasing your module on Dart-Store!

Release your module on Dart-Store

After making a project you want in the Dart-IDE, you need to create it as a module. To make a module, there are few steps you have to take.

Make your project to a module file

  • Step 1: Connect to Dart-Platform. Then Build or Run the module you created in the Dart-IDE. For detailed description on the method to connect Dart-IDE to Dart-Platform, click on this link (Run a Module).

  • Step 2: Click the Download filelink, and then Download will be in progress.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Download file dm

Step-by-Step Guideline for Distribution

From Dart-Platform
  • Click Dart-Store button

From Dart-IDE
  • Click Publish button

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Publish button
From Dart-Store website
  • Step 2: After you get a Developer Account, enter your ID and Password to login into Dart-Store.

  • Step 3: Select your avatar icon on the left bottom of the home screen.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Avatar icon
  • Step 4: Click Publishing Portal.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Publishing portal

  • Step 5: Click the Create New User Module button.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Create New User Module

  • Step 6: Fill in the Publish form.

  • Page 1. General Information

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - General Information





Module Name

The name shown in the publish portal module.


Draft Name

The name used to manage drafts before the module is released.


Module File

If you click the Upload File button and select your module file, the information inserted in the module is automatically inserted into this section.

For each part, the information inserted in Project manifest.json is entered and updated automatically. (The information in Module Name, Package Name, Category, Module Version, and SDK Version will be included in manifest.json.)


If you want to change the version, you must edit the manifest file and build it.

    "name": "Pallertizer_1.0.1",
    "packageName": "com.dra.palletizing",
    "type": "PROCESS",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "sdkVersion": "1.0",
    "icon": "assets/images/icon.png",
    "drscModulePackageFile": "",
    "drcfModulePackageFile": ""

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Default Information



Before submitting your module for review, you must set a price to be applied to Dart-store. You can choose either free or paid.


Module Thumbnail

The module thumbnail must be selected.


Thumbnail should be 512*512px and a maximum of 1MB in size. Supported formats for the image are PNG and JPEG.

  • Page 2. Attachments

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Attachments information





Demo Video

A video that you can insert to show the functions of your module. We would recommend you the Youtube link for the URL.


Major Screen Image

With the Major Screen Image, you might introduce the characteristics of your module. This is a mandatory part you need to insert.


Major Screen Image allows you to Drag & Drop or Browser maximum of 10 images.


Manual URL

You can insert your manual to explain in details about the module you have created.


Instead of using PDF or Word, you may insert one or more URL link.

  • Page 3. Description

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Description field






To introduce your module, you must describe it to your customers. It will be displayed in customer’s Dart-Store list.

  • Page 4. Workflow & Required Device

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Workflow and Require Device






Workflow is a simple manual that shows the method to operate the robot with your module.


Required Device

Description on devices required for the module. The maximum line is 10 lines.

  • Page 5. Version Information

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Version information





Default Information

manifest.json will automatically update the information in this field, similar to Module File in Number 3.


Compatible Robot Models

Select the check box corresponding to the type of Robot Model with your module is compatible.


Version Detail

A release note for your module. You might write about the version in detail.

  • Step 7: Click submit button in upper-right

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Submit button


After submitting successfully, a Submission Complete notification will be displayed.

Beginner's guide - Distribute a module - Submission Complete notification

  • Step 8: Proceed to check whether or not the module has appeared for review.

Follow the steps to get your product page: Dart-Store main screen ‣ Select your avatar icon ‣ Select Publishing Portal ‣ Your product page.

If your module appears here with the status Under Review, your publishing is successful.

Document - Guides - Beginner's Guide - Distribute a module - Product Page

Product page

It takes time to review your module by Dart-Store's Administration (at the latest, within 2 or 3 business days). When your module is approved, review completion email arrives. The Distribution completes only after you click the Release menu which is within the button.

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