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Beginner's Guide


This document provides foundation information for beginner-level coding and low-code people who want to create a module to operate the Doosan robots for either individual purposes or your company.

The Beginner’s guide will give you the detailed guidelines step-by-step to create a simple module. Follow the information below to approach your goals.


We have updated these following sites that are live servicing.

How to check the Version in sites.

To check whether it is the updated Dart-IDE, please check the topbarHelpAbout Dart-IDE on the upper left of the Dart-IDE page. In Dart-Store page you can check the version on the bottom.

  • The current version is:

    • Dart-IDE: 1.0.0 (As of 29th June 2023)

    • Dart-Store: 1.0.0 (As of 29th June 2023)

In case the Help item does not appear in the updated Dart-IDE or the version is unable to be checked in Dart-Store. The issue might happen because of the remaining cache of the former version site in the web browser. Please delete the cache in the setting of the browser you have implemented Dart-IDE or Dart-Store. (The location of the setting might differ from each browser.)

In Windows

  • Step 1. Access the Dart-IDE or Dart-Store web site in your computer.

  • Step 2. Check if the Help item or the version information appears.

  • Step 3. Click Ctrl+F5 for deleting the caches of alpha version.


If the problem remains unsolved with the above method, please refer to the website below for the cache deleting method for each browser.

Quick Video Guides

Beginner’s Guide provides the Tutorial video as followed, and explain each process in detail by writing.

Create Your First Module

Distribute Your Module


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