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Quick Installation Guides

Welcome to Dr.Dart-Suite 3! Please read this guide and proceed with the Program.

What is the Dart-Platform & Dart-Services?

1. Dart-Platform

Dart-Platform is a software that enables modules created in Dart-IDE to be run on a variety of different operating systems.

  • Windows OS : SUPPORTED



  • Android OS : SUPPORTED

2. Dart-Services

Dart-Services is a service program that helps install and run the build-environment of Dart-IDE and includes Robot Controller Simulator for testing instead of using robot & Controller.

  • Windows OS : SUPPORTED


Install the Dart-Platform & Dart-Services

You can use one of these two methods for installation.

  1. For Users with Robot & New Controller

    • The other is connecting with the actual robot & new controller, and proceeding with the Integration Update at Dart-Platform.

  2. For Users without Robot & New Controller

    • One is the method of installing only the Dart-Platform using Dart-Services instead of any robot & new controller.

For Users with Robot & New Controller

  • Step 1. Download and install (update) the latest version of Dart-Platform 3.

  • Step 2. Connect your laptop to Controller box.

  • Step 3. Select control box’s ip and connect to it.

For Users without Robot & New Controller

You can use the Dart-Platform 3 without a robot and controller.

  • Step 1. Download and install the latest version of Dart-Services for using robot controller simulator and build service in Docker Desktop.


Be sure to install the Dart-Services according to the guide in the link below.

  • Step 2. Click the Start Button in Dart-Services and then wait untill the Loading icon is changed to Pause icon.


  • If it does not operate normally, enter into Docker Desktop and check the Actions section of Dart-services which is included in the Containers menu. If there is a Play button in the section, running it by clikcing manually is the same function as clicking the Start button of Dart-Services.

  • If the problem does not disappear, try rebooting your PC or press the Start button again.

  • Step 3. Download and install (update) the latest version of Dart-Platform 3.

  • Step 4. In Dart-Platform, connect with Dart-Services.

  1. Select Enter IP Manually

  2. Input the Controller IP:

  • Step 5. Click the Forced Withdraw Button to forcibly withdraw the Transfer Control from the Robot Controller.


Dart-Platform can be easily learned. Find more details in Dart-Platform.

New Features

New Features of the Dart-Suite 3 can be found at the link below.

See here: What's new?

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