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Variable List Panel

Lists up all the variables that are declared in the project.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel UI

Components of VARIABLE LIST Panel

1. Variable Name

  • This field displays the Variable Name

  • Align by alphabetic / reverse-alphabetic order button (image below)

2. Type

Variable types:

  • String: A="hello"

  • Integer: int_value = 10

  • Float : float_value = 3.14

  • Complex : complex_value = 3-4j

  • List: A = ["red", "green", "blue"]
    B = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

  • Tuple: A = ("red", "green", "blue")
    B = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
    The tuple is similar to a list but is faster at processing since it is read-only.

  • Dictionary : d = dict(a = 1, b = 3, c = 5)
    Dictionary specifies the keys and values and lists the values.

  • Hex : hexa_value = 0x10

  • Octa : octa_value = 0o10

  • Binary : binary_value = 0b10

  • double : double_value = 3.14
    double value = 314e-2

Missing from DRL Programming Manual

  • Boolean : A=bool(1)

  • Range : A=range(42)

  • Set : A=set((1, 'hello', 3.4))

  • Bytes : A=bytes(42)

  • Bytes Array : A=bytesarray(42)

  • Memory View : A=memoryview(bytes(42))

3. Default Value

The default value of the Variable.

4. Path

The file name in which the Variable has been declared.

5. Minimize button

When you click the (- ) button.

It will be minimized VARIABLE LIST panel as follows:

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel - Minimize Variable List

On the other hand, if you want to expand the VARIABLE LIST panel, click the (+ ) button.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel - Expand button

6. Dock/ Undock button

When you open the .drl file, the first time clicking Dock/ Undock button in the VARIABLE LIST panel, the screen will display like the below:

Instruction: Click on the Down arrow square icon

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel - Undock




Minimize button

When you click this button, this action leads to hide Variable List window.


Maximize button

Open this page with 100% size.


Close button

It will minize the page like this:

7. Load Variable

When you click on the Load Variable button, the system will get the new variable list in all files of the module (including file .tsx, .drl)

  • In the file.tsx, the system will get a variable list according to the definition below:

setFieldValue(variableName, variableValue)
  • In the file.drl, the system will get a variable list according to the definition in the Global Variable command. You can refer to this document Global Variables Command to get more information.

Registration method to use Variable list

  • Step 1: There are two ways to create a new variable.

Add Variable in file.tsx

Open or create the file.tsx. This file includes the values of the Variable.

In file.tsx, you can set a new variable according to the definition below.

setFieldValue(variableName, variableValue)

We recommend that you create new file called Var.tsx. This file includes all of variables, it seems to be more effective than you put Variable commands in many .tsx file. When you have a new value for variable, please add it in Var.tsx file.

Add Variable by using Global Variable command in DRL file

Global Variables Command is the command that creates variables outside of a function. Please refer to this document Global Variables Command to find out how to use this command.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel - Add Variable
  • Step 2: Click the Load Variable button to add the Variable in the .tsx file and .drl file into DRL Generator and display the VARIABLE LIST panel.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Variable List Panel - Load Variable

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