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DRL User Interface

In the basics, DRL Generator is an editor. Similar to Code Editor, Dart-IDE provides DRL Generator to create source code to control the robot and allows you to flexibly use many features of its user interface, from monitoring work progress and customizing via drag and drop to adjusting small components.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Main screen

Feature of User Interface

  1. Command List Panel provides a list of DRL commands. You can drag & drop the component to the TASK LIST panel.

  2. Task List Panel lets you quickly build layouts by dragging commands in the COMMAND LIST panel. Then, drop it into TASK LIST panel.

  3. Variable List Panel lists all the variables declared in the project. All of the Variables will get from tsx file and drl file.

  4. Mode Selection provides Two types of DRL programming editors: Block Coding and DRL Coding.

  5. Property Panel provides the properties of the selected command on the TASK LIST panel. In this panel, you can adjust the value for each command.

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