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Command List Panel

The COMMAND LIST panel provides a list of DRL commands. You can drag & drop the component to the Task List Panel. You can search command names and do some related actions.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Command list panel UI


1. Dropdown button

When you click this button, (4) the Search bar, (5) the All/ Bookmarked filter, and (6) the Command group will be hidden.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Command list panel

If you click this button again, (4)the Search bar, (5) the All/ Bookmarked filter, and (6) the Command group will be displayed.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Dropdown button

2. DRL Programming Manual button

When you click this button, a web view popup of the Doosan online programming manual will be presented.

3. Minimize button

When you click this button, it will be minimized the COMMAND LIST panel as follows:

If you want to expand the COMMAND LIST panel, click the (+ ) button.

4. Search bar

To search for a command by name in the COMMAND LIST panel, you can enter the command's name into the Search bar at the top.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Search bar

You can search in both the All filter and Bookmarked filter.

5. All/ Bookmarked filter
  • All filter

A list of complete commands will display when you click the All filter.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - All filter
  • Bookmarked

In the All filter, if you are interested in any commands, you can click the star icon in front of the command name.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - star icon

Then, your collection commands will appear in Bookmarked filter.

Document - Dart-IDE - DRL Generator - DRL User Interface - Bookmarked

6. Command group

Types of command

For more detail, please refer to Command List Panel.

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