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Manage & Update Modules


What can you do with Dart-Store? You may create, upload, update, and manage your modules using Dart-Store. We assume you know working with Dr.Dart-IDE and building your module with Create your first Module. Let's follow the guide below to understand how to work with Dart-Store.

How to manage your module in Dart-Store?

First, you must log in as a Developer or Seller account. If you don’t have those accounts, you can read in Payment | Preparations( number 1 and number 2)

You can manage your module by uploading and updating it in the Dart-Store. Before following the steps, make sure you know how to upload your module to Dart-Store Distribute a Module. Reading these guides can help you to figure out what you should do to manage your module.

  • Step 1: On the Dart-Store main screen, click on the Profile icon at the bottom left corner, and the Publish Portal page will appear.

  • Step 2: On the Publish Portal page, click Publishing Portal. It will lead to the Release Management page.

  • Step 3: On the Release Management page, click User Module to check your module.






Search by Name, Owner Name, and Category to see the modules.


All Category

Choose the module category, such as Process, Task Editor, Function, Skill, Jog, Dashboard, or Custom.



It will show the list of modules and all the related information such as Name, Category, Pricing, Module version, and Update Date.

  • Step 4: If you select an item from the list of modules, it will show detailed information about the module.

    Module's Information






The name of the module.


Module Version

The newest version of the module.


SDK Version

The newest SDK version of the module.


Update Date

The date that the module is updated.



The module's state includes Under Review, Waiting Review, Approved, and Reject.

If you upload a module to the Dart-Store, reviewing your module by Store's Admin(s) takes time. The Releases section will show the uploaded module after being approved by Store's Admin(s).

How to update the module in Dart-Store?

Your module's version is too old, and you need to get new features. You need to update your module for a new version. The Dart-Store helps you to do it. Let's get started!

  • Step 1: On the Release Management page, click User Module, and select the module that you want to update the version.

If you do not know how to go to the Release Management page, follow Manage & Update Modules | How-to-manage-your-app-in-Dart-Store?

  • Step 2: Click Create New Version on the top right of the screen.

Create New Version

  • Step 3: On the screens of General Information, Attachments, Description, Work Flow & Required Device, and Version Information, you can change every field to update your module. Have a look at Distribute a Module to know the details of updating your module.

Changing Information

  • Step 4: Click Submit button on the top right corner of the screen when you are sure to submit the module for Review.

    Submit module

  • Step 5: The Submit for Review popup will show up. Click Confirm button.

    Submit for Review

The Admin will review your module. The Status will show Under Review when the Admin is checking your module. When your module is approved, it will be released.

Module's Status

Share Module Content

Prerequisite: Your account type is Developer/ Account.

If you haven’t had a Developer account yet, please follow the guideline in Step 2 of Payment | 2.-Register-a-Developer-or-Seller-Account.

Multiple Developer accounts can manage the same content.

  • Step 1: Open Dart-StoreClick on Avatar iconClick on Publishing Portal.

  • Step 2: Choose the module you want to shareClick the ⋮ iconSelect the Share Module optionShare Module popup will be displayed.

  • Step 3:

    • (1) Search keywords such as email, ID, and Developer name.

    • (2) Select the account that Dart-Store recommends for you.

    • (3) Click Add button to add a list of Developer accounts you want to share a module with.

    • (4) Click Share button to grant the list of developers full access and authority to the shared content.

Delete Module In Dart-Store

Prerequisite: Your account type is Developer/ Account.

If you haven’t had a Developer account yet, please follow the guideline in Step 2 of Payment | 2.-Register-a-Developer-or-Seller-Account.

  • Step 1: Open Dart-StoreClick on Avatar iconClick on Publishing Portal.

  • Step 2: Choose the module you want to shareClick the ⋮ iconSelect the Delete option

Or click Delete button on the Module screen.

  • Step 3: The popup reminds the condition to delete the module entirely.

  • Step 4: Click Confirm button to send a delete request.

  • Step 5: When the admin approves or rejects the request, a notification will be sent to you by email.

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