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User Interface

In the basics, Dr.Dart-IDE is an editor. Like many other code editors, Dart-IDE applies a common user interface and allows you to flexibly use many features of its user interface, from monitoring work progress, and customizing via drag and drop, to adjusting small components in the application.

Dart-IDE opens the project and all of its files. When you first open the project, you will see five windows:

  1. Activity Bar : The Activity Bar helps you to manipulate the existing functions of Dart-IDE.

  2. Explorer : The Explorer is used for browsing, opening, and managing all your project files and folders.

  3. Add File : The Add File allows the addition of only seven types of files (ts, tsx, css, scss, cpp, cs, drl).

  4. UI Preview : The UI Preview area lets you quickly construct layouts by dragging & dropping UI components from the Component Palette (4.1) to the UI Preview panel (4.2).

  5. Editor : The Code Editor is for editing code.

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